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tv   ABC World News Now  ABC  August 21, 2014 1:42am-4:01am PDT

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n time to help stop the damage. lifelock's credit notification service is on the job 24/7. as soon as they detect a threat to your identity within their network, they will alert you helping protect you before damage can be done to your identity. lifelock has the most comprehensive identify theft protection available, helping guard your social security number, your money, your credit, even the equity in your home. my years as a prosecutor taught me that we all need to protect ourselves from crime, in today's world that includes identity theft. it's a serious problem. we all have to protect ourselves. [ male announcer ] while identity theft can't be completely stopped, no one works harder to help protect you than lifelock. you even get a $1 million service guarantee. that's security no one can beat. you have so much to protect and nothing to lose when you call lifelock right now and get 60 days of identity theft protection risk free. that's right. 60 days risk free!
1:43 am
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♪ well, one player at the little league world series this year is proving she can throw harder, better and faster than her male counterparts. of course, this is 13-year-old
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mo'ne davis. >> the rock star player has an edge over some of the nation's best boy little leaguers even when her undefeated team faced another undefeated team last night. abc's juju chang has the latest. >> strike three. good start for mo'ne davis. >> reporter: she has the arm. and the power. >> back up the middle. >> reporter: and the attitude. >> follow my curveball like kershaw. >> reporter: her mad skills making her famous as the first little leaguer, boy or girl, to hit the cover of "sports illustrated." the team's not so secret weapon. with her fastball at 70 miles an hour. and after a two-hit shutout last friday. >> it is out of here. mo'ne davis! >> reporter: the first ever in a little league world series. she was on the mound again. >> strikeout number six for mo'ne davis. >> reporter: but moved into the
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outfield in the third inning to spare her arm. her opponents proved powerful too. >> he rips this one to the corner in left. >> reporter: hanging on to an early game lead and ultimately whipping winning, 8-1. >> and it's over. >> reporter: juju chang, abc news, new york. >> you know we have been watching mo'ne davis on the mound. but don't lock her in. she would even like to play basketball. >> and we have been following the boys from the south side of chicago. well, a big match-up tonight at 7:30 p.m. eastern. >> guess who against? >> the chicago boys are actually going to play against mo'ne davis's team. watch that. talking all week, about your arm. boy, you can throw a fastball. incredible. if only our "world news now" fans could see, you play catch
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back here in the open space. >> that's right. during break. >> yikes. lookout. >> throwback thursday. lookout. coming up, you won't want to miss this one, it is "throwback thursday." it's been 50 years since they started slicing and d it's the yoplait greek taste-off and we are asking the music city which 100-calorie strawberry greek yogurt is the next big thing.
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i'm a random lady with a table full of yogurt. want some greek yogurt? can i ask you a question? tell us what tastes best. this one is definitely the winner. that one is good. a is great. yoplait greek 100! that's the stuff right there. you want to see which one yoplait greek beat? chobani yes! yoplait greek wins again. take the taste-off for yourself! it is a beautiful day for yogurt. ♪ on throwback thursday. we're taking you to visit to one of the most popular restaurant chains in america, cultural, bentihavas, started 50 years ago. it began in manhattan in 1964, an experiment as dinner and
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theater, not far from broadway where it had celebrities and families flocking through the door. on hot tables, american flavors prepared with flare. chefs feeding shrimp and steak and fascination with american culture. >> this man is responsible for the most successful oriental restaurants in america. for 20 years if you wanted great oriental food you want to him. >> reporter: rocky aoki, the brains behind the brand, came to the u.s. as a wrestler and burst into business selling ice cream in harlem. >> he was a hot air balloonist, a speedboat racer, car racer, quite the entertainer in his own right. >> reporter: aoki had an outsized influence, in that ever popular tabletop show. five decades on, still landing its place on tv and in the movies. here in "beverly hills ninja." >> oh. i got it. >> reporter: rapper young jeezy
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finding inspiration in the shrimpy show and bentihavas. even skateboarders making the restaurant name popular on the streets. but the real draw after 50 years is still those tricks, which i learned, aren't as easy as they look. >> okay, we'll try the flaming volcano. here we go. >> this is a flaming volcano, people. oh. one, two, three. >> oh. >> almost. try again. >> i promise i will get this. >> yea! very nice. >> in japan, do they flip the shrimp tails into their hats? >> no. >> they don't? to bentihavas fans, that's besides the point. millions coming back for a lesson, a laugh, on birthdays,
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anniversaries and special occasions. oh, that is so good. nothing like a little butter and garlic, shrimp cooked on a grill. the tail is in my hat. and we don't have any tails here. >> where is the food? >> the food, oh, gosh. >> did you eat it all? >> no, we didn't eat any of it. that was so fun. they gave me a certificate, as master chef. they didn't fill in my name. obviously i didn't pass the class. i did emerge and i got to keep the hat, which chef andre, hats off to chef andre, a pro there. they train for months to get the thing right. >> what was the hardest part about learning that? >> the shrimp tail flips. spend a lot of time doing those. don't think i got a single one in my hat.
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at the end i lifted it into my hat. check it out. be the chef at bentihavas. they give lessons. >> are you going to take more lessons? >> i will definitely need lessons if you want to try this at home. i advise against doing on the 500-degree grill. thank you to them. and thank you to rocky aoki, an interesting character. a throwback for sure. it answers questions like how a reverse mortgage works, how much you qualify for, the ways to receive your money, and more. plus, when you call now, you'll get this magnifier with l.e.d. light absolutely free. when you call the experts at one reverse mortgage today, you'll learn the benefits of a government-insured reverse mortgage. it will eliminate your monthly mortgage payments and give you tax-free cash from the equity in your home. and here's the best part -- you still own your home. take control of your retirement today. ♪
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to go the distance with you. go long. and now it is time for "the mix." we bring you a very unique story, a 4-year-old boy out of cypress who has an interesting way of playing the keyboard. beethoven's "ode to joy" with, yep, with his nose. >> shall we call it "nose to joy"? >> "nose to joy" could be. he does a great job, listen. his dad says he has been playing the piano a month and decided to instead of his fingers use his nose. >> and note to whoever plays that keyboard afterward. be sure to get the clorox wipes, de-sanitize. i thought of pounding my head on
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the desk, when i am stressed out. making me stressed out. pecking order. cramping my neck. okay, in tennessee, a bit of a controversy. a high school in dire county. a high school senior, kendra turner, was suspended last weak for saying "bless you" to a classmate. the teacher said "bless you" is an expression banned as part of class rules. the teacher told her, there was not to be any godly speaking in class. so she went to the administrator, raised a bit of a fit there, and other students have come back with "bless you" t-shirts. so what do you think? >> i don't think we have heard the last of that. it's interesting, people say that all the time, out of habit. >> bless you, god bless you, too churchy. hmm. achoo! we go to an english wedding where we have another take yet on again, "let it go," the
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disney favorite from "frozen." this time though a best man, best man joey singing for the happy couple. ♪ you had said no ♪ well now we know ♪ best friend joe ♪ hello to the couple with the brightest spark ♪ ♪ best man joe >> talk about a scene stealer. best man joe is running away with the show there. >> he's a disney fanatic. he watched "frozen" so many times. coming up with, every day speak, go through the drive through. >> it's his moment. ♪ big mac, i want a big mac >> taking on joe. >> he should do a rendition. maybe tomorrow on "the mix." still another day. finally before we end. have to show this adorable video of the day. in the animal department, meet this guy. the tibetan mastiff looks like
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this morning on "world news now," outrage and grief over the savage killing of american journalist james foley. his family's heartbreak and what the u.s. tried to do to free him from his extremist captors. unrest in missouri. a grand jury investigates the racially charged police shooting in ferguson. while another case nearby stirs up new protests. when will the town calm down? consumer alert. new warnings to users of instagram. checking the accounts of the rich and famous. how cyber thieves are using social media to steal. and legal fight. the latest battle for justin bieber and his attorneys. the new allegations that could lead the pop star off the concert stage and back into court. that's in "the skinny" on this
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thursday, august 21st. >> announcer: from abc news, this is "world news now." good morning. i'm michelle franzen. >> i'm devin dwyer. great to have you with us. two big stories we're following this morning. both with the manhunt, islamic extremists, and in ferguson. we hope you stay with us for that. there is much to come in this half-hour. we do start with the search on right now for the islamic extremists responsible for the execution of american journalist james foley. >> meanwhile, a new report in "the new york times" says isis militants once sought $100 million ransom for foley's release. with more here is abc's brian ross. >> reporter: as outrage spread around the world over this scene, jim foley's parents said they had never been prouder of their son. >> he was strong, courageous, loving to the end. >> you know from the videos that his last words were, i wish i had more time to see my family. >> reporter: u.s. and british authorities spent the day looking for clues on the video
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about the identity of the hooded executioner of jim foley. using a data base of known jihadists to look for a match with his eyes, his hands, and most telling his voice, with what british authorities call a distinct london accent. >> you have gone far out of your way -- >> from what we see it looks like it is a british citizen, that is deeply shocking. >> reporter: in the last year, hundreds of foreign fighters, from western europe and the u.s. have joined isis. as it has conducted a well-financed holy war. now increasingly threatening to target the u.s. a former french hostage, nicolas henin, held with foley for seven months told abc news that foley was often singled out for harsh punishment, once for planning an escape. >> he had brutal punishment,
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inspired by, by the american war on terror. >> reporter: foley filed his final report from syria for the "global post" just before he was captured almost two years ago. word of a failed rescue attempt that if it had worked would have saved foley's life. senior administration officials tell abc news that president obama authorized a bold u.s. military operation into syria earlier this summer to rescue foley and several u.s. hostages, but that when the special operations team arrived at the site there, were no hostages present. officials say several dozen u.s. forces were involved and that a number of isis fighters were killed. but there were no american casualties other than one slight injury. brian ross, abc news, new york. >> as of now, we have gotten no further word about the other american hostage seen in foley's execution video. isis threatened to kill journalist stephen soltoff, seen kneeling and dressed in an orange jumpsuit. the group says that he will be killed if u.s. bombing of
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isis targets in iraq continues, which is exactly what happened yesterday. and a lot of outrage throughout the community and the world including here in the u.s. with the fbi director calling the militant savages. >> word that president obama said yesterday the secret mission we are finding out about from last month was kept in the dark. because of the safety of the hostages and the military operations team. when they got there and didn't find hostages. they said, they have a big pile of intelligence. officials saying last night it is not a perfect science, intelligence. they did their best. and the teams and the family very thankful this morning. israel issuing tough warnings to hamas in a signal the conflict there is far from over. a day after the collapse of another round of peace talks, palestinian militants fired
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dozens of rockets into israel. israel carried out several air strikes in gaza in response. israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu says israel will not call off its gaza operation until rocket fire out of palestinian territory has stopped. and here in new york city, palestinian supporters unfurled a large flag on the manhattan bridge last night. the flag, palestinian colors, you see it there, read -- "gaza boycott divestment sanctions." it hung as palestinian supporters marched across the brooklyn bridge. the second breach of security on a new york city bridge in a month. now to ferguson, missouri, where they saw a night of racially charge d protest marchs last night. the police in the area coming under scrutiny for a second police shooting just this week. >> reporter: this morning, concerns with police releasing this video recorded by a passer-by as st. louis police shot and killed a man tuesday. they say he had a knife. the police department released the footage saying it is
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committed to transparency. the officers who shot the man are now on administrative leave. protesters clamoring for justice for michael brown. marchers were joined late wednesday by a lone supporter of officer darren wilson. a source close to wilson tells abc news the officer suffered a serious facial injury in the scuffle that led up to the shooting. evidence of that is expected to be brought before the st. louis grand jury hearing testimony about the case. >> they will have absolutely everything that there is. every piece of paper. every photograph. >> reporter: the head of the federal investigation met with fbi agents investigating the case. attorney general eric holder told reporters he hoped his presence here would bring calm. >> if people know a federal, thorough investigation is being done, being manned by these very capable people, then my hope is that that will give people a degree of confidence.
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>> reporter: like a politician running for office, holder posed for pictures wednesday at a ferguson diner and later met in private with the family of michael brown. steven portnoy, abc news, ferguson, missouri. now to another round of severe weather where a tornado touched down in the detroit area causing some serious damage. sirens went off warning the funnel cloud was approaching with 75-mile-an-hour wind. witnesses say the most frightening aspect was the tornado's nearly deafening noise. which drove them to take cover. it blew branches off trees and flipped over a few cars. before moving through the area. >> meantime, clean-up is under way in the western states slammed by floodwaters and dangerous lightning. forecasters warn this round of stormy weather may just be the start of more to come. here is abc's brandi hitt. >> reporter: the threat of more severe weather slamming the west. from flash flood warnings to lightning.
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an idaho woman claiming she was struck filming a storm. take a look again. >> i screamed. my phone flew out of my hand. and i really wasn't sure what happened. >> reporter: 500 lightning strikes in southern california alone. temporarily shutting down beaches. and in new mexico, more severe weather. >> there's a kid that just got struck by lightning playing football. >> reporter: three children and their football coach injured by lightning during practice. one teen hospitalized in critical condition. also, a clearer picture of the destruction following the raging floods and harrowing rescues in arizona. here, you can see the before and after. as families now try to salvage what's left. >> we don't have anything. >> reporter: that's the same case for marsha fuller seen here desperately waving a white sheet as her house was ripped from its foundation. this is now what's left of marsha's home. take a look. you can see the foundation is now uprooted. her front porch is also gone.
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and the only thing that kept her home from being swept away by floodwaters, its that large tree. >> when i looked out the window and it was right here. i didn't know what to do. >> reporter: the threat not over yet, with peak monsoon season upon us, this could be just the beginning. brandi hitt, abc news, phoenix. and a look at today's forecast. showers and thunderstorms in the northern half of the country today including the northeast. ohio valley, great lakes, upper midwest. thunderstorms will rumble across the drenched southwest and into florida. it will be downright steamy in the southeast. the midwest in for a heat wave today with temperatures in the mid-90s. phoenix is finally getting a break. only 94 degrees there. and it will be much cooler in the pacific northwest. well, move over new york when it comes to expensive apartments. manhattan has got nothing to ultralux pad we are about to reveal. >> wait till you see this one. it's billed as the most expensive apartment in the world.
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this five-story penthouse in monaco's new odeon tower, soars 560 feet over the mediterranean sea. >> the 11,000 square foot residence features, a water slide, private chauffeur, and caterer. the price tag, get ready for it, $400 million. >> yikes. >> so maybe, just go in with a few of your friends, little timeshare going on. >> yeah, monaco, lifestyle of the rich and famous. a lot of wealthy people there apparently land is so valuable there that a studio apartment, just 400 square feet. costs more than $4 million. but, man, i am, i dig that, that water slide. take a look here. look at the water slide going right in. >> kind of need a water slide going into the pool. >> and you would have an audience. all the windows up above. put on a show for your neighbors. >> in comparison here in new york. the most expensive apartment, $125 million. >> doesn't compare. we are moving to monaco or not. >> taking the show to monaco. coming up in "the skinny," advice from one superstar to
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another. why beyonce had a talk with gwyneth paltrow. later, the gigantic rubber ducky, that's upstaging an annual boat show in california. no, you are not quacking up. a real ducky. not a hallucination. you are watching "world news now". ♪ rubber ducky you're a joy ♪ when i squeeze you you make noise ♪ ♪ rubber ducky you're my very best friend it's true ♪ >> announcer: "world news now" weather brought to you by head and shoulders. shampoo and conditioners. it keeps me 100% flake free and helps stop them from coming back. so i just have gorgeous hair. i use it... my whole world uses it. you mean you don't? head & shoulders. the world's #1 dandruff shampoo.
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. ♪ i can't believe it ♪ i can't believe it check it out check it out check it out ♪ well, we all love to check out pictures online. facebook, instagram, flickr, instagram, you can look at picks, favorite celebrities can have thieves lurking. >> targeting young fans with a spreading theme you could call an instascam. abc's mara schiavocampo has the story. >> reporter: it's the social networking site where filtered photos and selfies abound, but the report that instaygram may be fertile ground for instascams. digital thieves are targeting young instagram followers, who look at pics of celebrities, like kim kardashian, ultimately stealing their money. >> two of the very popular scams
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right now are celebrity photos and get rich quick schemes. >> reporter: here is how it works. cyber thieves post promises of big bucks in the comment section that accompany celebrity posted picks. this one posted under one of bee yochb save beyonce's photos that reads "make $2,000 to $10,000 in 20 minutes" with a phone number to call. what happens when you dial in? an abc affiliate found out. like many of the scams this one involves reload packs. a service used to refill prepaid debit cards with cash. the scammer asks the caller for the security pin on the back of the reload cards and tells them they're going to add money digitally just by adding a few zeros to the amount already on the card. >> what if i add a zero to that amount it will change from hundreds into thousands. >> you hack into their software and you add a zero? >> right. basically. >> is this legal? >> it's, it's, it's, it's -- i'm going to say it's not totally illegal. bro. you are not going to get caught
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or anything. >> reporter: once the scammer haspin number, they don't add money. they take it all and disappear. it is money that adds up. mara schiavocampo, abc news, new york. >> you know a lot of these young people who are getting scammed -- many people going off to college, with their debit card loaded up from mom and dad. and people looking for a way to get that money. >> they're dialing in. really interesting. i didn't know this was a problem. hats off to our affiliate there, kbue, did not know that, it existed. >> exactly. >> they got the guy on the line. not exactly illegal, bro. >> huh. don't know if i would trust the guy we are talking to on the line. coming up though -- your chance to own madonna's underwear for a price. >> really? really? >> for real. and it's all in the family for superstar
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♪ skinny so skinny welcome back. "skinny" time on thursday morning. we start with more legal trouble for justin bieber. along with a bodyguard he is being sued. >> another lawsuit. the photographer claiming bieber and his bodyguard, beat him, destroyed his camera, last november in hawaii. this incident allegedly stemmed from the photographer taking a picture of bieber jumping off a cliff into the water at a public
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beach. >> the photographer is seeking damages for assault, battery, emotional distress and negligence. no word yet about the whole thing from bieber's camp. stay tuned. >> that we will. well, there have been lots of rumors swirling around about a possible split between jay-z and beyonce. is this possibly a pr stunt? well, there is a report out from "us weekly" that suggest is a recently uncoupled star is helping them with divorce advice. >> very unlikely. >> gwyneth paltrow who split with coldplay's chris martin is reportedly helping out beyonce after the singer asked her for divorce advice. >> jay-z and beyonce's rumor. their marriage to be on the rocks despite their successful "on the run" tour. and paltrow would be the ideal person to get advice from on this topic. you may remember that paltrow and martin split in a conscious uncoupling. the report that beyonce and
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jay-z may be looking to do the same. we are hoping they're not breaking up. actor johnny depp is taking the idea of brings his daughter to work to a whole new level. >> that's right. 15-year-old lily rose depp has been cast to star in a read role opposite her father in a new film "yoga hosers." the action adventure/comic book style movie focusing on teen yoga fanatics turned superheroes. >> set to begin this week, with a release of june 2015. >> have to look for that. >> we will. next up. a celebrity. love this story. celebrity garage sales, millions of madonna fans have been waiting decades for. >> the material girl will unload the largest collection of memorabilia ever, right down to bras and panties. >> heard it right here, bras and panties. on the auction block. pieces from her "material girl" music and "american pie" videos will be offered in an auction. also up for bids, 30 items from the film "evita." >> don't cry for me.
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madonna is parting with award she won over the year, an mtv music video award, and american music award. the auction is set for november 7th and 8th. in beverly hills. >> does she need the cash? >> run on undies. >> her kids are about college age, right? she loves to shop online with her debit card. and so does bill, an identity thief who stole mary's identity, took over her bank accounts, and stole her hard earned money. unfortunately, millions of americans just like you learn all it may take is a little misplaced information to wreak havoc on your life. this is identity theft, and no one helps stop it better than lifelock.
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free of dyes and perfumes with a deep clean. pop in the best of both worlds. ♪ rubber ducky you're the one you know, bert and ernie know bath time isn't just about fun without a rubber ducky. apparently neither is pacific ocean. >> the world's largest duck, there it is, sailed into the port of los angeles. it is creating quite a stir there. the big bird is there for tall ships festival this summer. californians can't resist the huge yellow fellow. kabc's john gregory reports.
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>> reporter: if you're driving by, it's hard to resist and even harder to resist taking a picture of. a giant rubber duck floating in the san pedro are bar. >> very exciting. never seen a duck quite so large. >> this lady right here, my wife, jennifer, brought me down here. never would have been here without it, without her, so, yeah, she's excited. >> i wanted to come to california. >> reporter: why, what is the big deal? >> he is so darn cute. >> reporter: did you take a picture with it? >> yes, i did. >> reporter: at 61 feet tall, close to 11 tons, it is the largest rubber duck in the world. and this bright yellow bird will be in port, all part of the tall ship festival. while you can't miss the duck, organizers are hoping folks will notice the tall ships. it is after all a tall ship festival. >> it is great. people see the duck. they're interested. they come down. they learn that they like boats too. a little bit of a different era. you feel like it is maybe -- more the lifestyle that our parents enjoyed or grandparents even. >> you can see people are
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already coming out. i think it was a very good idea. >> reporter: sailors don't seem to mind sharing the stage. if visitors come to see the duck, they will also get to see these majestic sailing vessels from a time gone by. this is john gregory reporting. >> you know, i don't take baths but if that was in my tub, i might think twice. >> i don't think i want to go there. such a massive sort of -- boat there. and it's built on this huge steel pontoon. >> does it give rides? >> it might. doesn't look like you would stay on long on that thing. >> love to ride a duck or slide down it. >> created by a dutch artist. it's turned up in hong kong. and areas like that. a san francisco attorney had seen this in hong kong and tried to get it to san francisco but it ended up in l.a. first. >> a floating piece of art. thank you for watching. >> this is abc's "world news now," informing insomniacs for
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two decades.
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good morning. i'm devin dwyer. >> i'm michelle franzen. here are some of the top headlines we're following this morning on "world news now." after another night of racially charged protests, in ferguson, missouri, the police shooting case of michael brown is now in the hands of a grand jury. as we learn new details about the police officer at the center of it all. we'll take you there live. police stormed a house near chicago freeing two adults and two children who were being held by armed men. earlier, four other children were released. no shots were fired. the suspects are in custody. bank of america is set to announce today that it reached a record settlement of nearly $17 billion. it resolves charges that it sold faulty mortgage backed securities before the 2008 financial crisis. at the little league world series, mo'ne davis struck out
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six last night, but also allowed three runs. her team from philly defeated by the youngsters from nevada. tonight davis' team plays the team from chicago in elimination game. those are some of our top stories on this thursday, august 21st. >> announcer: from abc news, this is "world news now." good morning. great to have you with us. we begin this half-hour with new developments in the police shooting case of michael brown. >> they come against a backdrop of more protests last night in the streets of ferguson, missouri. but this time, fewer in number and dampened by a thunderstorm. abc's jim avila has the latest from ferguson. >> reporter: the fate of 28-year-old ferguson patrolman darren wilson seen in this new video receiving a department commendation six months ago is now in the hands of 12 grand jurors who began reviewing evidence behind closed doors. the prosecuting attorney says he will not rush the process and doesn't expect a decision from the grand jury which meets only
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once a week until mid-october. >> they will have absolutely everything that there is. every piece of paper. every photograph. >> reporter: including abc news learned a hospital picture of officer wilson's face, not yet released. a source close to wilson says, the officer suffered a serious facial injury during the initial struggle at the patrol car window. wilson supporters also point to this piece of videotape. they say is key to his defense. it is taken just after the shooting. the unarmed 18-year-old's body still on the street as bystanders talk in the background. one of them says, he watched michael brown shot as he walked toward the firing patrolman. >> police got out and ran after him. the next thing i know, he's coming back towards the police. the police had his gun drawn on him. wilson supporters say that directly conflicts with other witness whose say the teenager was moving away from the officer and turned to face wilson with his hands up when he was shot. the officer has not spoken publicly. the prosecutor said the grand
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jury will hear his account. >> you are the man. >> reporter: watching over the investigation is the federal government. attorney general eric holder shook hands with a highway patrol commander now in charge of calming the streets of ferguson and met with brown's family. residents all waiting on a grand jury still eight weeks from a decision. jim avila, abc news, ferguson. >> our coverage continues live this morning from ferguson, missouri where abc's tahman bradley is standing by. >> tahman, you have been on the streets a couple nights. a news conference wrapping up with police. what's the latest? >> reporter: well, devin and michelle, good morning to you both. it was a much quieter night here on the streets of ferguson. there were no molotov cocktails, no tear gas used. the crowds on the streets were a lot smaller. the police came out and thanked everyone, elders in the community for their job in easing the tensions here and also the teenagers for behaving. so it looks like things have
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calmed down considerably here on the streets. i can tell you that there was a little bit of bad weather that moved in. that may have had an impact. we had some rain, thunderstorms. so perhaps that, that helped to thin out the crowd, but a much more peaceful scene tonight. >> and, tahman, give me an idea. there were some videos that surfaced that, that may not calm the demonstrators. what do the videos show? >> reporter: yeah, some really disturbing video of a police officer -- who drew his weapon the other night and started aiming it at some of the demonstrators and cursing at them. obviously, that is not the kind of video that you want to see. a lot of people very much on edge here. that officer, we are told, has been suspended indefinitely. and then there was another piece of video that came out last night of a police shooting in st. louis. a man who officers say was waving a knife at them, shot and killed.
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again, another video, a lot of people here are not going to be too excited to be watching. >> a lot of discuss about what use of force is appropriate there. tahman, before we let you go, we understand ministers in the community are playing a role in the protest zone. what have you seen? >> reporter: yeah, making a huge difference. i have seen members of the clergy coming in from all the way as far away as fresno. there are a lot of people here who want to be responsible. we saw people linking arms to separate police and the demonstrators. cooler heads are starting to prevail here. because people are getting a sense that the wheels of justice are starting to turn as we saw in jim avila's report with the grand jury now starting to look at some of the evidence.
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>> let's hope the calm takes a hold soon. tahman bradley reporting live from ferguson. thank you, tahman. our other big story this morning is international outrage at the gruesome execution of american journalist james foley. a worldwide manhunt is now under way to bring those responsible for foley any death to justice. particularly the isis militant who appears in the video of his execution. after that video was verified yesterday, foley's parents showed their grace and strength. >> we just pray that -- that jim's death can bring our country together in a stronger way. and with the values that jim holds dear. >> foley's parents said they have never been more proud of their son. well, we now know there was a secret u.s. mission to rescue foley and other americans being held in syria earlier this summer. but it came up empty-handed. what options does president obama have now when it comes to battling the isis militants? here's abc's jonathan carl. >> reporter: in gruesome murder video, james foley's executioner calls out president obama by name. demanding an end to air strikes in iraq. the president answered with resolve. >> we will be vigilant and we
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will be relentless. when people harm americans anywhere, we do what's necessary to see that justice is done. there has to be a common effort to extract this cancer so that it does not spread. >> reporter: the u.s. has conducted at least 14 more air strikes since the foley video was released, but to take out, isis, the president has additional options. he could funnel more weapons to iraqis and kurds on the front lines. he could send more u.s. special forces to advise the iraqis. the bigger step, he could take the fight to syria. another isis stronghold. by launching air strikes for the first time on isis targets in that country. the only thing the president has ruled out is sending in more ground troops. but even so, the president who counts ending the war in iraq as a big part of his legacy now faces a new fight in iraq that could dominate much of the rest of his presidency. jonathan carl, abc news, martha's vineyard. >> thank you, jonathan.
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u.p.s. is warning some customers credit and debit information may have been exposed by a computer virus. 100,000 transactions between january 20 and august 11th at risk. the company says it is not aware of any fraud related to the attack. an outside security firm found the virus at computers at 51 stores nationwide. we are hearing for the first time from former virginia governor bob mcdonnell and his corruption trial. mcdonnell took the stand yesterday in his own defense one day into the trial. testifying about his sometimes volatile relationship with his wife maureen. the two were charged in a 14-count indictment accused of accepting $165,000 in cash and gifts from a political supporter. mcdonnell denies the charges. we're learning new details this morning about the final resting place of actor robin williams. tmz is reporting that the official death certificate for the hollywood legend says he was cremated the day after he died. and his ashes were scattered in san francisco bay. williams committed suicide ten
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days ago. the coroner is still awaiting toxicology results. trespassing charges have been filed against seven teenagers accused of breaking into the south florida estate of nba star ray allen. the home was broken into a week ago. allen's wife and her children were sleeping at the time. ray allen wasn't home. the seven teens have told police they didn't think anybody was there. nothing was stolen. if convicted the teens face a fine and up to a year in jail. and good news about former buffalo bills quarterback and hall of famer jim kelly. doctors have told him he is cancer-free. kelly underwent radiation and chemotherapy to battle sinus cancer. the cancer had spread to his sinus. his doctors say that has been eliminated. parts of suburban detroit are dealing with a very unpleasant side effect after last week's flooding. flood soaked garbage is piling up and has been sitting curb side for days. as you can imagine the stench is
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becoming unbearable. pickup crews are working overtime to haul it away. but the tremendous amount of debris has them running behind. >> we hope detroit can dry out a bit. a look at your forecast today. showers and thunderstorms will stretch across much of the northern part of the country from the upper midwest to the northeast. thunderstorms will rumble again across the southwest and into florida. it will be steamy in the southeast today. a scorcher all along the gulf coast. >> the midwest is in for a heat wave today with temperatures in the mid-90s. but it will be much cooler in the northeast and northwest in the 70s. if you have been watching this week, you know we have had a lot of fun showing people including ourselves taking the als ice bucket challenge. >> that's right. former president george w. bush challenged to douse himself. he had been resisting. he even put up a video explaining that he didn't thing it was presidential to be splashed with ice water. >> that's when the former first
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lady, bush's wife, laura, throws cold water on the idea. get it. threw cold water on it. >> president bush is also making a donation to als like so many others. good going for the bushs there in maine. our hats off to everybody taking the challenge. >> do you know who he challenged next? >> who? >> former president bill clinton. >> waiting for that one. another video to come. an innovative household appliance that promises to save you money on your dry cleaning but is it too good to be true? beautiful pictures of vacation destinations posted online. they tempt you to book a trip. we are separating fact from fiction.
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finding fitness without a gym membership. working up a sweat right in your living room. you are watching "world news now." ♪ can't believe how great it works sly good love love love finish it's a shine that's sweeping across america. finish delivers an unbeatable clean and superior shine versus cascade's leading detergent. look no ugly spots... and see that shine? you've got to try finish. so take the finish challenge. switch and see the difference.
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[laughs] when we're having this much fun, why quit? and bounty has no quit in it either. watch how one sheet of bounty keeps working, while their two sheets, just quit. bounty, the no-quit picker-upper. just you...with the when gray creeps in do you lose it all? not you. new touch of gray mustache and beard reduces gray without getting rid of it all in just 5 minutes. for the perfect gray look you want. new touch of gray mustache and beard.
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♪ well you know, nobody wants to get fooled after booking vacations. after spending countless hours searching online, you find the perfect place, book it and go. >> when you get there you feel like you have been duped sometimes, the glossy picture that sucked you in. your vacation dream turned into a nightmare. here is abc's paula faris. >> reporter: you have been searching online, dreaming about the perfect hotel, the beautiful rooftop pool, or the stunning
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view of the athens ruins. and the beach fit for a romantic stroll. but what you didn't see on the website, that perfect rooftop pool, well check out this photo of that same pool. didn't catch that macy's the first time. and those incredible greek ruins, look at this picture taken from the hotel entrance. not so close from down here. and on your beach stroll, try walking around all of those chairs. oyster, the self proclaimed hotel tell-all website calls this the fake-out. sometimes fake, sometimes real, just aren't really presented. hotel marketing can be extremely misleading. >> reporter: we teamed up with oyster and visited the grand beach resort. only problem, the beach -- not so grand. here is the beach. there is the water. and here's the wall. the hotel later admitted their grand beach was swept away by hurricanes ten years ago. and what about those pools.
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these are the photos from an upscale new york hotel website. you know what i am really enjoying? the view. >> pool photos, in particular, are often cropped very artfully. >> reporter: check out these shots at other hotel websites. it's not the full picture. one of the methods is to take the photo from here inside the pool. >> it looks like it stretches on forever. >> reporter: how do you fell fact from less appealing facts? do your homework before you book. online resources like oyster, and trip advisor have their own photos to give you a reality check. >> if you really know what to expect you are going to be a happier guest. >> reporter: paula faris, abc news, new york. >> good reminder from paula. use common sense. especially for restaurants, too. restaurants put the glossy pictures up. sometimes very different. >> you give the reviews as a bellhop. >> i'm praised for my service. they go to write reviews for me on yelp and oyster. i do that during the day after
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the shift. >> again, don't quit your day job. >> i won't tell you the name of the hotel. >> coming up. >> be right back. >> keeping clothes looking fresh without the dry cleaner.
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- ( snaps, clatters ) ar musi) that sounds awful. ( music stops ) but a lot better than last week. ( rock music playing ) ♪ we weren't born to follow. ♪ ♪ welcome back. we like to stay fresh and clean here at "world news now." and crisp and pressed. easier for us to get to the dry cleaners during the day. as you know those bills can also add up. >> now there is a new appliance going on sale next month that promises to freshen your clothes and cut your dry cleaning bills. abc's becky worley has more. >> reporter: it's called the swash. it aims to freshen your clothes getting rid of light wrinkles and minimizing trips to the dry cleaner. clothing is anchored inside and
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gel filled pod spray a mist to neutralize smells and freshen fabrics. here is an unscientific trial. this shirt is looking a little tired. but here goes. swash. it takes ten minutes. you can only do two garments at a time. not wrinkled in here. these got straightened out. the pocket got straightened out. you can see the edges of the shirt are still kind of folded over. but they only promised to lightly de-wrinkle. overall. it looks pretty good. it doesn't promise to remain stains. and doesn't replace dry cleaning. just lengthens the time between visits. now the smell test. this sweater is smoky from a barbecue. let's see. that's kind of amazing. not smoky at all. smells fresh. but many new dryers have steam functions that sanitize and help
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de-wrinkle. this sweater got the same smoky barbecue treatment. after 20 minutes of the dryer's steam clean, better. still a little smoky. and none of the scented smell that the swash sweater had. the swash is intended for higher end clothing. sweaters, clothes with embellished decorations, and premium denim and slacks. pretty good. it will be available in september. costs $500. but for families that use the dry cleaner a lot, the device you would save $200 to $300 a year. becky worley, abc news, oakland, california. >> they say the average family spends about $500 a year. so could pay for itself. there you go. >> very familiar with this. >> you know what. don't buy that. then i won't have a job. >> i hear you are an expert stain remover. bringing all my shirts to you. give it the special chemical. is that true? >> i have no idea. who is spreading those rumors? >> somebody. coming up. we all know we should exercise more, but getting to the gym
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isn't always convenient. >> now there are no more excuses because the gym is coming to you. that story straight ahead. you're watching "world news now." story aight ahead. you are watching "world news now". testxdñiñi öñ teste1 test plus oxi boost and febreze for 3 big things in one gain fling. it's our best gain ever! just you...with the when gray creeps in do you lose it all? not you. new touch of gray mustache and beard reduces gray without getting rid of it all in just 5 minutes. for the perfect gray look you want. new touch of gray mustache and beard. people are using lysol in hundreds of ways. what's jennifer's story? i have two kids and my home is my children's playground. my go-to product is lysol disinfectant spray.
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i really use it in every room, on every surface and it allows me to get to all the hard-to-reach areas. all of the different nooks and crannies and places that little hands like to go. it makes me feel comfortable and confident that my home is fresh, it's protected, and that i've killed the germs and bacteria. one lysol, hundreds of uses. start healthing.
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curing a yeast infection onerelieving the can happen instantly. vagisil max strength anti-itch wipes relieve itch and odor instantly
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as they cleanse. so why wait to feel comfortable? trust vagisil. the number one wipe for itch. ♪ because it's your birthday ♪ because it's your birthday ♪ it's your birthday ♪ it's your birthday ♪ it's your birthday >> well, working out we all know we have to do it. but sometimes it gets hard. hard to get to the gym. or the gym memberships are just way too expensive. >> they're pricey. what if you could get favorite classes spinning, boot camp, ballet, streamed live to your living room. >> reporter: between work, kids, life, it is easy to go months
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without seeing the inside of a gym. and get this -- a receipt study found that 85% of americans don't have gym memberships. what if you could streamline your day by live streaming your workout? >> hand down to the side. >> peloton cycling on the cutting edge of live virtual workouts. their new york city studio is equipped with five cameras, control room and top of the line spin bikes. >> live streaming fitness is absolutely going to be a big part of the future of obviously technology meets fitness. >> reporter: and the trend is only growing from flirty girl fitness dance class $15 a month to toot camp at live streaming fitness, less than $10 a month for unlimited classes. the options and workouts are endless. >>, here i come. >> it's been a few years since my "dancing with the stars" days so this should be interesting. >> how are you? >> reporter: luckily i am in
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good hands with trainer to the stars, mary helen bowers. do you have people all over the country kind of streaming in live to your class? >> we have got people joining in from, you know, over, over 80 countries. >> reporter: after a quick wardrobe adjustment. >> you won't be needing those today. >> seven. >> reporter: class was in session and it wasn't easy. >> four. >> reporter: i want everyone to take note of my ballet toes. those toes pointed over like that. cramp. cramp. >> just hold it back. hold for a second. >> reporter: okay. i am pulling. i am sucking it in. an hour later. thank you. i am beat. now i am going to go stretch because i am going to be in pain tomorrow. thank you. >> makes perfect sense. >> i don't know. not for me. i don't want the sweat on the rug. i like the loud music. i like the speakers in the face, peer pressure. >> i still like to get outside if i can. >> absolutely. the ballet looks kind of fun. worth giving that a try.
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♪ we're all in this together. ♪ when you recognize something isn't right, make the call to the veterans crisis line at 1-800-273-8255 and press 1.
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this morning oorld this morning on "world news now," most wanted. the masked extremist with a british accent accused of killing american journalist james foley. >> we just pray that, that jim's death can bring our country together in a stronger way. >> as outrage turns to grief, new details about failed attempts to rescue foley. missouri on edge. the attorney general tries to calm down racial tensions in ferguson as new details emerge about the police officer in hiding. >> he has been vilified in the media and by the politicians. >> the overnight protests and the new tensions. and 50 years later, a milestone for an american dining tradition, the secret to success
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at bentihavas on this throwback thursday, august 21st. >> from abc news, this is "world news now." good thursday morning to you. i'm devin dwyer. >> i'm michelle franzen. looks like we are in for a treat with the restaurant. >> we did have fun at the tables. 500 degrees on the iron table tops. we are lucky we came back with no burns. but we begin with some serious news this morning. new developments in the case of american journalist james foley who was gruesomely executed by the islamic extremists. >> this morning's "new york times" reports the men who murdered foley once demanded $100 million in ransom for his release. that follows some strong words from the case by top officials. the fbi director calling isis militants "savages." >> we also learned of a secret u.s. mission inside syria to rescue foley and other americans, but it failed to find them. here's more with abc's karen travers. >> reporter: a somber president obama said james foley's life stands in stark contrast to his killers.
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>> jim was taken from us in an act of violence that shocks the conscious of the world. >> reporter: foley's bosses at global post told abc news they tried to negotiate his release. but last wednesday they received an e-mail from his captors. >> just a statement they were going to execute jim. >> reporter: the video released showing the murder is graphic and chilling. there is foley in an orange jumpsuit kneeling down. his isis executioner standing next to him. i wish i could have the hope of freedom and seeing my family once again, he said, but that ship has sailed. outside their home in new hampshire, foley's parents showed incredible grace and strength. >> we just pray that, that jim's death can bring our country together in a stronger way and with the values that jim holds dear. >> reporter: the isis video has sparked major concerns in the u.s. and u.k. >> we'll work with our law enforcement, intelligence and military partners to fry to
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bring justice to the foley family. >> from what we see it looks increasingly likely that this is a british citizen. now this is deeply shocking. >> reporter: senior administration officials say that earlier this summer u.s. special operations forces launched a secret mission in syria to rescue james foley and other americans held captive by isis, but the mission failed as the hostages were not there. a senior official tells abc news, intelligence is not a perfect science. karen travers, abc news, washington. >> thanks to karen for that. now to our other top story this morning. new developments in ferguson, missouri, and the investigation into the deadly police shooting. >> a st. louis county grand jury has taken up the case and a high bro profile visitor has arrived from washington to help diffuse the growing racial tensions. abc's tahman bradley is in ferguson. good morning, tahman. first of all, give us an idea, we had attorney general eric holder visiting there yesterday. give us an idea of how he was received in that neighborhood? >> reporter: well, michelle and
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devin, good morning to you both. he was well-received. he had serious business to take care of here to check on the investigation and to meet with the fbi, which has been part of the investigation as well as the local prosecutor here. now the attorney general spoke with michael brown's family reaching out to them, promising them that there will be a thorough investigation and that they will get more information about exactly what happened. so major developments here and we want to lay it all out for you now. behind closed doors, 12 grand jurors began reviewing evidence in the shooting death of michael brown. they'll decide the fate of darren wilson, the ferguson police officer who shot and killed the unarmed teen. >> we'll have absolutely everything there, every piece of paper, every paragraph, every physical evidence. >> reporter: but the prosecuting attorney doesn't expect a decision from the grand jury which meets once a week until
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mid-october. these demonstrators on the streets of ferguson want to see wilson arrested immediately. the police union says it is too soon to pass judgment on officer wilson. >> he's been vilified in the media and by politicians. >> reporter: a source close to wilson told abc news before the shooting the patrolman suffered a serious facial injury. this new video could be a key to wilson's defense. a witness is heard saying, he saw brown shot as the teen walked toward wilson. >> police got out and ran after him. the next thing i know he's coming back toward the police. the police had his gun drawn on him. >> reporter: other witnesses say brown was moving away from the officer and then turned to face wilson with his hands up. attorney general eric holder is closely monitoring the investigation. he traveled to ferguson for meetings with local officials and residents. >> also, that, through the trip that i am making up here today that hopefully will have a
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calming influence on the area. >> reporter: now everyone here braced for another long night and morning of demonstrations. there was some rain, thunderstorms in the area. that might have slowed down the demonstrations. we have to wait and see, devin and michelle. >> thanks to tahman bradley reporting live this morning from ferguson, missouri. it's peaceful in the suburb of chicago following a nearly two-day nearly day-long hostage standoff. harvey police stormed the house but didn't fire a shot. while freeing two adults and two children being held by two armed men. earlier four other children were released. those two armed men are in custody. an emotional verdict in a murder trial in sacramento, california, led to brawls inside and outside the courthouse. two gang members were convicted of murder in the shooting death of a young mother caught in the crossfire of a gunfight. a third convicted of voluntary manslaughter. and a fourth was cleared. the victim's mother says she feels like someone got away with murder.
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a colorado man is under arrest this morning after leading police on a 163-mile chase at times speeds reaching as high as 140 miles an hour. his crime, he had stolen the car. this and other recent chases are raising questions about safety. is it worth putting the public at risk for minor offenses? here's abc's david kerley. >> reporter: watch, the end of a police chase as the suspect vehicle slams onto a northern california sidewalk. one coffee shop patron pinned against the wall. >> i saw a four-door car drive into a two-door car. >> reporter: the man driving the car at 60 miles an hour is wanted for alleged domestic violence and two police cars chasing the suspect for a mile, injuries only here. but last week a car chased in houston hit another vehicle. six dead in all. chases happen every day. on average, one person dies every day. 342 killed in 2012.
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a reminder for jonathan faris whose son was an innocent victim in a police pursuit. >> oftentimes, protecting the public means breaking off and not continuing the pursuit. >> reporter: most departments have policies regarding how and when to chase a suspect. based on guidelines from the international police chief association approved 18 years ago. now in 24 jurisdictions, this star chase system. an officer shoots a gps tracker beacon onto the suspect's car. allowing them to watch where the bad guy goes. without being in hot pursuit. david kerley, abc news, washington. >> thanks to david for that. bank of america this morning set to announce a record settlement with the justice department over accusations it sold faulty mortgage backed securities. sources telling abc news the second largest lender will pay $17 billion in penalties and admit it misled investors before the crisis in 2008. $7 billion of the fee will go to
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consumers in the form of modified home loans and refinanced mortgages. russia is ordering the four mcdonald's restaurants in moscow be closed temporarily. the move is over sanitation violations. but it comes amid worsening u.s./russian ties over the conflict in ukraine. among the four mcdonald's closed, russia's first-ever which opened in moscow's pushkin square in 1990 during the final days of the soviet union. and hostess brand says it is closing its schiller park, illinois, factory where twinkies, yes, twinkies have been baked for 84 years. 400 employees affected. union officials say they were told of the closure the same day they were set off to start negotiating a new contract. workers at the plant have been forced to work 12-hour shifts. >> love the twinkies. they are back on the shelves. while we showed you highlights from big state fairs around the country, this summer it is new york's turn. >> the new york state fair opens today.
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visitors will have their chance to see this, butter sculpture. called the great american milk drive. >> what you are looking at there, a farmer handing over a container of milk to a young boy at a food bank. people behind it say it is meant to highlight the need for milk donation. >> it weighs 800 pounds and it took them about ten days to carve this. >> hmm. all right. an important cause. donate milk. they need those perishables at the food banks. from butter to grilled steak and shrimp, special throwback thursday in store for her there. celebrating the 50th sniffer. and this rock star pitcher at the little league world series. her winning attitude on a disappointing night. what's next for mo'ne davis. you're watching "world news now." >> announcer: "world news now" weather brought to you by clearasil ultra. little league world series. her winning attitude on a disappointing night.
3:11 am
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♪ well, one player at the little league world series this year is proving she can throw harder, better and faster than her male counterparts. of course, this is 13-year-old mo'ne davis. >> the rock star player has an edge over some of the nation's
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best boy little leaguers even when her undefeated team faced another undefeated team last night. abc's juju chang has the latest. >> strike three. good start for mo'ne davis. >> reporter: she has the arm. and the power. >> back up the middle. >> reporter: and the attitude. >> follow my curveball like kershaw. and my fastball like mo'ne davis. >> reporter: her mad skills making her famous as the first little leaguer, boy or girl, to hit the cover of "sports illustrated." the team's not so secret weapon. with her fastball at 70 miles an hour. she led her team to the little league world series. and after a two-hit shutout last friday. >> it is out of here. mo'ne davis! >> reporter: the first ever in a little league world series. she was on the mound again. >> strikeout number six for mo'ne davis. >> reporter: but moved into the outfield in the third inning to
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spare her arm. her opponents proved powerful too. >> he rips this one to the corner in left. >> reporter: hanging on to an early game lead and ultimately winning, 8-1. >> and it's over. >> reporter: juju chang, abc news, new york. >> you know we have been watching mo'ne davis on the mound. but don't lock her in. she would even like to play basketball. >> and we have been following the boys from the south side of chicago. well, a big match-up tonight at 7:30 p.m. eastern. >> guess who against? >> the chicago boys are actually going to play against mo'ne davis's team. watch that. talking all week, about your arm. boy, you can throw a fastball. incredible. if only our "world news now" fans could see, you play catch back here in the open space. >> that's right. during break. >> yikes. lookout. >> throwback thursday. lookout. coming up, you won't want to miss this one, it is "throwback thursday." it's been 50 years since they started slicing and dicing
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japanese dinners on your plate. i got to learn a few tricks of the trade. can i cut it? ahead in our next half-hour, your eyes do not deceive you. yep, that is indeed, a giant rubber ducky. the world's biggest, in fact. what is it doing on the coast of california? find out. you are watching "world news now".
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♪ ♪ on throwback thursday. we're taking you to visit to one of the most popular restaurant chains in america, a cultural me mom non.
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benihana, started 50 years ago. it began in manhattan in 1964, an experiment as dinner and theater, not far from broadway where it had celebrities and families flocking through the door. on hot tables, american flavors prepared with flare. chefs feeding shrimp and steak and fascination with asian culture. >> this man is responsible for the most successful oriental restaurants in america. for 20 years if you wanted great oriental food you want to him. >> reporter: rocky aoki, the brains behind the brand, came to the u.s. as a wrestler and burst into business selling ice cream in harlem. >> he was a hot air balloonist, a speedboat racer, car racer, quite the entertainer in his own right. >> reporter: aoki had an outsized influence, in that ever popular tabletop show. five decades on, still landing its place on tv and in the movies. here in "beverly hills ninja." >> oh. i got it. >> reporter: rapper young jeezy finding inspiration in the
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shrimp yst show and benihana with song. even skateboarders making the restaurant name popular on the streets. but the real draw after 50 years is still those tricks, which i learned, aren't as easy as they look. >> okay, we'll try the flaming volcano. here we go. >> this is a flaming volcano, people. oh. one, two, three. >> oh. >> almost. try again. i promise i will get this. >> yea! very nice. >> in japan, do they flip the shrimp tails into their hats? >> no. >> they don't?
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to benihana fans, that's besides the point. millions coming back for a lesson, a laugh, on birthdays, anniversaries and special occasions. oh, that is so good. nothing like a little butter and garlic, shrimp cooked on a grill. the tail is in my hat. and we don't have any tails here. >> where is the food? >> the food, oh, gosh. >> did you eat it all? >> no, we didn't eat any of it. that was so fun. they gave me a certificate, as master chef. they didn't fill in my name. obviously i didn't pass the class. i did emerge and i got to keep the hat, which chef andre, hats off to chef andre, a pro there. they train for months to get the thing right. >> what was the hardest part about learning that? >> the shrimp tail flips. spend a lot of time doing those. don't think i got a single one in my hat. at the end i lifted it into my hat. check it out. be the chef at benihanas. they give lessons. >> are you going to take more lessons? >> i will definitely need lessons if you want to try this at home.
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i advise against doing on the 500-degree grill. thank you to them. and thank you to rocky aoki, an interesting character. a throwback for sure. want to try at home. i advise against doing on the 500-degree grill. thank you to them. and thank you to rocky aoki, an interesting character. a throwback for sure. it answers questions like how a reverse mortgage works, how much you qualify for, the ways to receive your money, and more. plus, when you call now, you'll get this magnifier with l.e.d. light absolutely free. when you call the experts at one reverse mortgage today, you'll learn the benefits of a government-insured reverse mortgage. it will eliminate your monthly mortgage payments and give you tax-free cash from the equity in your home. and here's the best part -- you still own your home. take control of your retirement today. ♪
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and find the aarp medicare supplement plan to go the distance with you. go long. and now it is time for "the mix." we bring you a very unique story, a 4-year-old boy out of cypress who has an interesting way of playing the keyboard. beethoven's "ode to joy" with, yep, with his nose. >> shall we call it "nose to joy"? >> "nose to joy" could be. he does a great job, listen. his dad says he has been playing the piano a month and decided to instead of his fingers use his nose. >> and note to whoever plays that keyboard afterward. be sure to get the clorox wipes, de-sanitize. i thought of pounding my head on the desk, when i am stressed out. this guy is making me stressed out with the pecking order. i don't know, cramping my neck.
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okay, in tennessee, a bit of a controversy. a high school in dire county. a high school senior, kendra turner, was suspended last week for saying "bless you" to a classmate. the teacher said "bless you" is an expression banned as part of class rules. the teacher told her, there was not to be any godly speaking in class. so she went to the administrator, raised a bit of a fit there, and other students have come back with "bless you" t-shirts. so what do you think? >> i don't think we have heard the last of that. it's interesting, people say that all the time, out of habit. >> bless you, god bless you, too churchy. hmm. achoo! we go to an english wedding where we have another take yet on again, "let it go," the disney favorite from "frozen." this time though a best man, best man joey singing for the happy couple.
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♪ you had said no ♪ well now we know ♪ best friend joe ♪ hello to the couple with the brightest spark ♪ ♪ best man joe >> talk about a scene stealer. best man joe is running away with the show there. >> he's a disney fanatic. he watched "frozen" so many times. coming up with, every day speak, go through the drive through. >> it's his moment. ♪ big mac, i want a big mac ♪ give me a big mac >> all right, taking on joe. >> you should do a rep decision. maybe tomorrow on "the mix." still another day. finally before we end. have to show this adorable video of the day. in the animal department, meet this guy. the tibetan mastiff looks like simba. wei-wei giving him a cuddle. he seems amused. the mastiff told his name is simba. looks like a lion. gentle giant.
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>> adorable.
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this morning on "world news this morning on "world news now," outrage and grief over the savage killing of american journalist james foley. his family's heartbreak and what the u.s. tried to do to free him from his extremist captors. unrest in missouri. a grand jury investigates the racially charged police shooting in ferguson. while another case nearby stirs up new protests. when will the town calm down? consumer alert. new warnings to users of instagram. checking the accounts of the rich and famous. how cyber thieves are using social media to steal. and legal fight. the latest battle for justin bieber and his attorneys. the new allegations that could lead the pop star off the concert stage and back into court. that's in "the skinny" on this thursday, august 21st. >> announcer: from abc news, this is "world news now."
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good morning. i'm michelle franzen. >> i'm devin dwyer. great to have you with us. two big stories we're following this morning. both with the manhunt, islamic extremists, and in ferguson. we hope you stay with us for that. there is much to come in this half-hour. we do start with the search on right now for the islamic extremists responsible for the execution of american journalist james foley. >> meanwhile, a new report in "the new york times" says isis militants once sought $100 million ransom for foley's release. with more here is abc's brian ross. >> reporter: as outrage spread around the world over this scene, jim foley's parents said they had never been prouder of their son. >> he was strong, courageous, loving to the end. >> you know from the videos that his last words were, i wish i had more time to see my family. >> reporter: u.s. and british authorities spent the day looking for clues on the video
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about the identity of the hooded executioner of jim foley. using a data base of known jihadists to look for a match with his eyes, his hands, and most telling his voice, with what british authorities call a distinct london accent. >> you have gone far out of your way -- >> from what we see it looks like it is a british citizen, that is deeply shocking. >> reporter: in the last year, hundreds of foreign fighters, from western europe and the u.s. have joined isis. as it has conducted a well-financed holy war. now increasingly threatening to target the u.s. a former french hostage, nicolas henin, held with foley for seven months told abc news that foley was often singled out for harsh punishment, once for planning an escape. >> he had brutal punishment, inspired by, by the american war on terror.
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>> reporter: foley filed his final report from syria for the "global post" just before he was captured almost two years ago. word of a failed rescue attempt that if it had worked would have saved foley's life. senior administration officials tell abc news that president obama authorized a bold u.s. military operation into syria earlier this summer to rescue foley and several u.s. hostages, but that when the special operations team arrived at the site there were no hostages present. officials say several dozen u.s. forces were involved and that a number of isis fighters were killed. but there were no american casualties other than one slight injury. brian ross, abc news, new york. >> as of now, we have gotten no further word about the other american hostage seen in foley's execution video. isis threatened to kill journalist stephen soltoff, seen kneeling and dressed in an orange jumpsuit. the group says that he will be
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killed if u.s. bombing of isis targets in iraq continues, which is exactly what happened yesterday. and a lot of outrage throughout the community and the world including here in the u.s. with the fbi director calling the militant savages. >> word that president obama said yesterday the secret mission we are finding out about from last month was kept in the dark. because of the safety of the hostages and the military operations team. when they got there and didn't find hostages. they said, they have a big pile of intelligence. officials saying last night it is not a perfect science, intelligence. they did their best. and the teams and the family very thankful this morning. israel issuing tough warnings to hamas in a signal the conflict there is far from over. a day after the collapse of another round of peace talks, palestinian militants fired dozens of rockets into israel. israel carried out several air strikes in gaza in response. israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu says israel will not call off its gaza operation
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until rocket fire out of palestinian territory has stopped. and here in new york city, palestinian supporters unfurled a large flag on the manhattan bridge last night. the flag, palestinian colors, you see it there, read -- "gaza boycott divestment sanctions." it hung as palestinian supporters marched across the brooklyn bridge. the second breach of security on a new york city bridge in a month. ferguson, missouri, where they saw a night of racially charged protest marches last night. the police in the area coming under scrutiny for a second police shooting just this week. abc is in ferguson. >> reporter: this morning, concerns with police releasing this video recorded by a passer-by as st. louis police shot and killed a man tuesday. they say he had a knife. the police department released the footage saying it is committed to transparency. the officers who shot the man
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are now on administrative leave. it was another tense night here with protesters justice for michael group. marchers were joined late wednesday by a lone supporter of officer darren wilson. a source close to wilson tells abc news the officer suffered a serious facial injury in the scuffle that led up to the shooting. evidence of that is expected to be brought before the st. louis grand jury hearing testimony about the case. >> they will have absolutely everything that there is. every piece of paper. every photograph. >> reporter: the head of the federal investigation met with fbi agents investigating the case. attorney general eric holder told reporters he hoped his presence here would bring calm. >> if people know a federal, thorough investigation is being done, being manned by these very capable people, then my hope is that that will give people a degree of confidence. >> reporter: like a politician
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running for office, holder posed for pictures wednesday at a ferguson diner and later met in private with the family of michael brown. steven portnoy, abc news, ferguson, missouri. now to another round of severe weather where a tornado touched down in the detroit area causing some serious damage. sirens went off warning the funnel cloud was approaching with 75-mile-an-hour winds. witnesses say the most frightening aspect was the tornado's nearly deafening noise. which drove them to take cover. it blew branches off trees and flipped over a few cars. before moving through the area. meantime, clean-up is under way in the western states slammed by floodwaters and dangerous lightning. forecasters warn this round of stormy weather may just be the start of more to come. here is abc's brandi hitt. >> reporter: the threat of more severe weather slamming the west. from flash flood warnings to lightning. an idaho woman claiming she was struck filming a storm.
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take a look again. >> i screamed. my phone flew out of my hand. and i really wasn't sure what happened. >> reporter: 500 lightning strikes in southern california alone. temporarily shutting down beaches. and in new mexico, more severe weather. >> there's a kid that just got struck by lightning playing football. >> reporter: three children and their football coach injured by lightning during practice. one teen hospitalized in critical condition. also, a clearer picture of the destruction following the raging floods and harrowing rescues in arizona. here, you can see the before and after. as families now try to salvage what's left. >> we don't have anything. >> reporter: that's the same case for marsha fuller seen here desperately waving a white sheet as her house was ripped from its foundation. this is now what's left of marsha's home. take a look. you can see the foundation is now uprooted. her front porch is also gone. and the only thing that kept her home from being swept away by floodwaters, its that large tree. >> when i looked out the window and it was right here. i didn't know what to do.
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>> reporter: the threat not over yet, with peak monsoon season upon us, this could be just the beginning. brandi hitt, abc news, phoenix. and a look at today's forecast. showers and thunderstorms in the northern half of the country today including the northeast. ohio valley, great lakes, upper midwest. thunderstorms will rumble across the drenched southwest and into florida. it will be downright steamy in the southeast. the midwest in for a heat wave today with temperatures in the mid-90s. phoenix is finally getting a break. only 94 degrees there. and it will be much cooler in the pacific northwest. well, move over new york when it comes to expensive apartments. man hospital manhattan has nothing on this ultra luxury pad
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we are about to reveal. >> wait till you see this one. it's billed as the most expensive apartment in the world. this five-story penthouse in monaco's new odeon tower, soars 560 feet over the mediterranean sea. >> the 11,000 square foot residence features, a water slide, private chauffeur, and caterer. the price tag, get ready for it, $400 million. >> yikes. >> so maybe, just go in with a few of your friends, little timeshare going on. >> yeah, monaco, lifestyle of the rich and famous. a lot of wealthy people there. apparently land is so valuable there that a studio apartment, just 400 square feet. costs more than $4 million. but, man, i am, i dig that, that water slide. take a look here. look at the water slide going right in. >> kind of need a water slide going into the pool. >> and you would have an audience. all the windows up above. put on a show for your neighbors. >> in comparison here in new york. the most expensive apartment, $125 million. >> doesn't compare. we are moving to monaco or not. >> taking the show to monaco. coming up in "the skinny," advice from one superstar to another. why beyonce had a talk with gwyneth paltrow. later, the gigantic rubber ducky, that's upstaging an
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annual boat show in california. no, you are not quacking up. a real ducky. not a hallucination. you are watching "world news now". ♪ rubber ducky you're a joy ♪ when i squeeze you you make noise ♪ ♪ rubber ducky you're my very best friend it's true ♪ >> announcer: "world news now" weather brought to you by head and shoulders. shampoo and conditioners. it keeps me 100% flake free and helps stop them from coming back. so i just have gorgeous hair. i use it... my whole world uses it. you mean you don't? head & shoulders. the world's #1 dandruff shampoo.
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you just can'tider a 4-star know the name?p to 60% off, just no name? until you book. um... yeah, i'd do that! get up to 60% off hotels on hotwire ♪ this is how it feels to hotwire. ♪
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♪ i can't believe it check it out check it out check it out ♪ well, we all love to check out pictures online. facebook, instagram, flickr, instagram, you can look at pics favorite celebrities can have with thieves lurking. >> targeting young fans with a spreading theme you could call an instascam. abc's mara schiavocampo has the story. >> reporter: it's the social networking site where filtered photos and selfies abound, but the report that instagram may be fertile ground for instascams. digital thieves are targeting young instagram followers, who look at pics of celebrities, like kim kardashian, ultimately stealing their money. >> two of the very popular scams right now are celebrity photos and get rich quick schemes. >> reporter: here is how it works.
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cyber thieves post promises of big bucks in the comment section that accompany celebrity posted pics. this one posted under one of bee yochb save beyonce's photos that reads "make $2,000 to $10,000 in 20 minutes" with a phone number to call. what happens when you dial in? an abc affiliate found out. like many of the scams this one involves reload packs. a service used to refill prepaid debit cards with cash. the scammer asks the caller for the security pin on the back of the reload cards and tells them they're going to add money digitally just by adding a few zeros to the amount already on the card. >> what if i add a zero to that amount it will change from hundreds into thousands. >> you hack into their software and you add a zero? >> right. basically. >> is this legal? >> it's, it's, it's, it's -- i'm going to say it's not totally illegal, bro.
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you are not going to get caught or anything. >> reporter: once the scammer has the pin number, they don't add money, they take it all and disappear. it is money that adds up. mara schiavocampo, abc news, new york. >> you know a lot of these young people who are getting scammed -- many people going off to college, with their debit card loaded up from mom and dad. and people looking for a way to get that money. >> they're dialing in. really interesting. i didn't know this was a problem. hats off to our affiliate there, kbue, did not know that it existed. >> exactly. >> they got the guy on the line. not exactly illegal, bro. >> huh. don't know if i would trust the guy we are talking to on the line. coming up though -- your chance to own madonna's underwear for a price. >> really? really? >> for real. and it's all in the family for superstar johnny depp. wait until you hear about his latest co-star. next in "the skinny." ♪
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♪ skinny so skinny welcome back. "skinny" time on thursday morning. we start with more legal trouble for justin bieber. along with a bodyguard he is being sued. >> another lawsuit. the photographer claiming bieber and his bodyguard, beat him, destroyed his camera, last november in hawaii. this incident allegedly stemmed from the photographer taking a picture of bieber jumping off a cliff into the water at a public beach. >> the photographer is seeking
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damages for assault, battery, emotional distress and negligence. no word yet about the whole thing from bieber's camp. stay tuned. >> that we will. well, there have been lots of rumors swirling around about a possible split between jay-z and beyonce. is this possibly a pr stunt? well, there is a report out from "us weekly" that suggest a recently uncoupled star is helping them with divorce advice. >> very unlikely. gwyneth paltrow who split with coldplay's chris martin is reportedly helping out beyonce after the singer asked her for divorce advice. >> jay-z and beyonce's rumor. their marriage to be on the rocks despite their successful "on the run" tour. and paltrow would be the ideal person to get advice from on this topic. you may remember that paltrow and martin split in a conscious uncoupling. the report that beyonce and jay-z may be looking to do the same. we are hoping they're not breaking up. actor johnny depp is taking the
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idea of bringing his daughter to work to a whole new level. >> that's right. 15-year-old lily rose depp has been cast to star in a read role opposite her father in a new film "yoga hosers." the action adventure/comic book style movie focusing on teen yoga fanatics turned superheroes. >> set to begin this week, with a release of june 2015. >> have to look for that. >> we will. next up. a celebrity. love this story. celebrity garage sales, millions of madonna fans have been waiting decades for. >> the material girl will unload the largest collection of memorabilia ever, right down to bras and panties. >> heard it right here, bras and panties. on the auction block. pieces from her "material girl" music and "american pie" videos will be offered in an auction. also up for bids, 30 items from the 1996 film "evita." >> don't cry for me. madonna is parting with award she won over the year, an mtv music video award, and american music award. the auction is set for november 7th and 8th.
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in beverly hills. >> does she need the cash? >> run on undies. >> her kids are about college age, right? award, and american music award. the auction is set for november 7th and 8th. in beverly hills. >> does she need the cash? >> run on undies. >> her kids are about college age, right? she loves to shop online with her debit card. and so does bill, an identity thief who stole mary's identity, took over her bank accounts, and stole her hard earned money. unfortunately, millions of americans just like you learn all it may take is a little misplaced information to wreak havoc on your life. this is identity theft, and no one helps stop it better than lifelock.
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free of dyes and perfumes with a deep clean. pop in the best of both worlds. ♪ rubber ducky you're the one ♪ rubber ducky you're the one you know, bert and ernie know bath time isn't just about fun without a rubber ducky. apparently neither is pacific ocean. >> the world's largest duck, there it is, sailed into the port of los angeles. it is creating quite a stir there. the big bird is there for tall ships festival this summer. californians can't resist the
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huge yellow fellow. kabc's john gregory reports. >> reporter: if you're driving by, it's hard to resist and even harder to resist taking a picture of. a giant rubber duck floating in the san pedro harbor. >> very exciting. never seen a duck quite so large. >> this lady right here, my wife, jennifer, brought me down here. never would have been here without it, without her, so, yeah, she's excited. >> i wanted to come to california. >> reporter: why, what is the big deal? >> he is so darn cute. >> reporter: did you take a picture with it? >> yes, i did. >> reporter: at 61 feet tall, close to 11 tons, it is the largest rubber duck in the world. and this bright yellow bird will be in port, all part of the tall ship festival. while you can't miss the duck, organizers are hoping folks will notice the tall ships. it is after all a tall ship festival. >> it is great. people see the duck. they're interested. they come down. they learn that they like boats too. a little bit of a different era. you feel like it is maybe -- more the lifestyle that our parents enjoyed or grandparents even.
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>> you can see people are already coming out. i think it was a very good idea. >> reporter: sailors don't seem to mind sharing the stage. if visitors come to see the duck, they will also get to see these majestic sailing vessels from a time gone by. this is john gregory reporting. >> you know, i don't take baths but if that was in my tub, i might think twice. >> i don't think i want to go there. such a massive sort of -- boat there. and it's built on this huge steel pontoon. >> does it give rides? >> it might. doesn't look like you would stay on long on that thing. >> love to ride a duck or slide down it. >> created by a dutch artist. it's turned up in hong kong. and areas like that. a san francisco attorney had seen this in hong kong and tried to get it to san francisco but it ended up in l.a. first. >> a floating piece of art. thank you for watching. >> this is abc's "world news now," informing insomniacs for two decades.
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making news in america this morning, outrage spreads. the hunt for the terrorists who killed an american journalist intensifies overnight. plus, the failed secret mission to save him and other americans held hostage and the emotional message from his parents. protests take to the streets again in ferguson, but with a different tone. what we're learning about the officer's injuries in a live report. and controversial punishment. suspended but not for swearing or fighting. how a sneeze in school landed a girl in serious trouble. presidential treatment. george bush gives in, takes the ice bucket challenge and makes his nominations. good thursday morning to you. i'm devin dwyer. >> and i'm michell


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